Transforming Semiconductor Design with our solutions

SiClarity enables foundries and IDMs to optimize process technology, assess variability, and enhance device performance with AI-driven EDA solutions.

Foundry Solutions

Results: Edge Placement Error

Process Optimization

SiClarity EDA software solutions enable a foundry or IDM to assess the design merit of proposed process technology improvements as well as the impact a variability to device performance.

SiClarity software enables process development teams to assess the design impact of process capability and process variability to prioritize development efforts as well as highlight areas of concern and new opportunities.

In the study below SiClarity worked with an industry partner to model the impact of via edge placement variability to device performance for a GAA 2x INV4D inverter. Studies like this also provide insight into process center targets for feature dimensions. 

Performance Trade off

This figure shows the performance tradeoff between via size and max frequency performance at fixed power. As you can see a smaller via is beneficial until resistance effects dominate in this study.

Results: SiClarity Designs

Fabless Solutions

It is essential for fabless companies to assess the best foundry and foundry technology that is a best fit match with their architecture and market goals. SiClarity solutions enable a broad assessment of multiple process technologies and design tradeoffs with a summary of power, performance and area for all options. When cost information is available, cost guidance is provided as well.

SiClarity solutions also provide critical guidance on the relationship between design constraints and performance. This is critical information when engaging with the foundry community to make sure the preliminary ground rules hit the final targets for all design dependent parameters.

Process Equipment

Process, product and tool development

Lead time for developing new process tool capability is years. It is essential that design enabling capability is identified early enough to allow for tool selection and maturity. SiClarity solutions enable tool suppliers to assess alternate ground rules and 3D integration parameters to identify tool driven design upside opportunities.

Tool suppliers are using SiClarity solutions to guide internal development priorities as well as technical marketing on process and design enabling capabilities.

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